A Christian Church in the Baptist Tradition

A Bible-Believing & Practicing Church for 200 Years in Canton, NY

Church Revitalization Meetings with

Pastor Joe Jacowitz, Christ Bible Church

Pleasanton, California

Pastor Joe Jacowitz will be speaking at the First Baptist Church in Canton, NY on Sunday August 11 and 18, 2024. Pastor Joe will be addressing various topics during the Sunday School hour starting at 9:45 AM including… 

  • The connection between revitalization and regeneration
  • In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus refers to physical things in Mt6:33. What about other needful things such as laborers, revitalization?
  • What is your take on Zc4:10?
  • Spiritual growth, character growth
  • What does 'diversity' mean in the 21st century? what should it mean?
  • The sovereignty of God.
  • The local church and the universal church
  • Prayer
  • The Gospel
  • When I hear the word 'revitalization' I am asking myself: what is our part, where do I begin, where do we begin, what should I do

Pastor Joe will also be preaching at the Worship Services on both Sundays.

He will bring timely messages relating to church revitalization from the Word of God. He is a gifted speaker and we are privileged to be hosting him for these meetings. 

Pastor Jacowitz founded First Love Missions which does mission work around the world. 


Warmly Welcomes You

Welcome to First Baptist Church of Canton, NY. At our church, we hold the Bible in the highest regard, as we believe it is the fully inspired Word of God. As such, we strive to understand its teachings and apply them to our daily lives.

We offer Sunday School classes where we delve into the Bible to gain a deeper understanding of God's will for us. Our worship services, both in the morning and evening, are centered around the preaching of the Bible. Our prayer meetings also include a focus on studying the Bible together. We believe that studying the Bible is an essential part of growing in our faith and understanding God's plan for us.

We also invite anyone who may be seeking to learn about God, Jesus, the Bible, spiritual truth to come, or contact us in your search for Biblical truth.

We warmly invite you to join us in our pursuit of a deeper understanding of God's Word. Whether you are a long-time believer or new to the faith, we welcome you and look forward to growing together in our knowledge and love of God.

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What We Hold Dear

The acronym BAPTISTS summarizes pretty well what we as Baptists hold dear. Learn more about our beliefs below. If you have any questions, we encourage you to reach out to us at any time.

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Join us in Worship

As friendly people from all walks of life and in all stages of spiritual development, First Baptist Church invites you to join us this Sunday or Wednesday for fellowship and worship! Can't make it? We live stream and upload the Sunday Morning Worship Service to YouTube.

Our YouTube

Sunday Church School

  • 9:45 AM

Sunday Morning Worship

  • 11:00 AM

Kids Club

  • 6:00 PM

Wednesday Prayer and Bible Study

  • 1:00 PM
  • 7:00 PM


Our Church Community

Our church was founded by missionaries from the Massachusetts Baptist Missionary Society in 1817. The church became independent from all ecclesiastical organizations around 1959. This independence allowed the church to: select its own Sunday School materials; select the missionaries it chose to support; and, free it from associations that at the time were regarded as liberal.

We believe that salvation is a gift from God and that God does much to prepare us for salvation. Our part is to first see our need – we are sinners who fall short of God. Next, we must see that God has dealt with our sins through the death of His Son Jesus Christ. At this point, we believe that we must repent of our sins and trust in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of those sins. Once a person is saved, we believe that they have eternal life.

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What We Believe

We believe in God. We believe in one God who exists in three coequal, co-eternal, co-essential persons: Father; Son; and Holy Spirit. We believe in the Bible. We believe the 66 books of the Old and New Testament were inspired by the Holy Spirit and as given were infallible and inerrant. Gn 1:1, Mt 28:19, 2Ti 3:16

We believe all men are sinners. Sin has separated man from God and we are unable to do anything to solve our sin problem on our own. We believe in salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. Salvation is a gift from God to undeserving man. God regenerates man. Man trusts in Jesus Christ. Salvation is forever and cannot be lost. Ro 3:23, Is 53:6, Ep 2:8-9, Titus 3:5, Ac 16:30-31, 1John 5:11-13

We believe in the virgin birth and bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ. We believe in progressive sanctification. The Holy Spirit works in the life of all believers to progressively sanctify us. Mt 1:23, 1Co1 5:12-13, Ph 1:6, Ro 8:9-11

We believe in the local church. We follow the Baptist tradition. We believe in two ordinances. We believe in the pre-tribulation rapture, the pre-millennial return of Jesus Christ. We believe in the great commission. It is our duty as believers to become disciples and to make disciples of Jesus Christ. Ro 16:1, Mt 28:19-20, 1Co 11:23-26, 1Th 4:15-18, Rv 19:11-20:6

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A Greeting from Fred Sykes

I became a Christian in 1972 through an evangelistic Bible study led by the Navigators at the Ohio State University. The Navigators gave me a love for God's word and practical tools for living the Christian life. I graduated from Ohio State with bachelor's and master's degrees in metallurgical engineering, and through Naval ROTC, I entered the Navy and worked at the Division of Naval Reactors.

I married Sandy in 1977. We have three wonderful daughters. The oldest is a teacher, the middle daughter is a nurse, and the youngest just graduated with a degree in information technology. After I left the Navy, we moved to Columbus, Ohio, where I worked in contract engineering. In 1986, following the Lord's leading, we relocated to Dallas, Texas, where I entered Dallas Theological Seminary. I finished the Th.M. program in 1990. Our families are from New York, and we wanted to be closer to them. We moved to Canton, New York, in November 1990.

Meet Our Missionaries

 Hover over each image to learn about our missionaries! If you want to learn more about what they do or how you can help them spread their message, please reach out today.

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Tithe With Your Heart

Giving is a way of physically giving thanks to God for what He has given to you.
If you want to give to the church, at this time please use a check.

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If you have any questions about First Baptist Church, send us a message.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why should you come to First Baptist Church?

    First Baptist Church is a God-centered church here in Canton, New York. Our church welcomes you and the whole family to join us this Sunday for worship. If you can't join us, our church also has God-honoring activities throughout the week. When you visit our church, you'll immediately feel the inviting and welcoming spirit a church of God should hold. 

    If you are interested in visiting First Baptist Church and want to learn more about us, please feel free to reach out!

  • Can I request prayer online?

    You can click the floating button on our site to open our prayer request form. We give the option of your prayer being prayed for publicly by the church congregation or privately. 

    Please don't hesitate to let us know how else we can help you!

  • What is the best way to get in contact?

    We look forward to meeting you at First Baptist Church of Canton, NY! There are multiple ways to get in touch with us. You can email us at sykes.j.f@gmail.com, call 315-386-8608, or use the Contact Us form on our website.

    We look forward to hearing from you!

Baptist Church

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